Friday, February 13, 2009

No sign of baby yet...

I measured 36 weeks yesterday at my doctor's appointment instead of 39 weeks, which concerned the doctor, so she had me come back later in the afternoon for an ultrasound. The doctor wanted to make sure that the baby hadn't stopped growing or that I was losing fluids. If so, they'd induce. Thankfully, baby's fine and they say he currently weighs 7lbs 13oz. He's already bigger than Eliana was, born 9 days late weighing 6lbs 8oz. He's pretty squished in there, so it was hard to get a good ultra sound picture, but here he is with his hand in front of his face and apparently a full head of hair...


Melissa said... cute is that little squished face?! I'm glad to hear everything is okay and that he hasn't seemed to have any trouble growing! don't get too scared of his size: with mike's little brother, they apparently told his mom he'd be well over 9lbs, but he ended up being somewhere in the 7lb range. maybe he'll beat the odds and actually arrive on his due date today! :)

Childress Family said...

He looks like Eliana already!