Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wait a little longer...

I was supposed to have my gender-telling ultrasound today, but I had to reschedule until next week. So sorry to keep you waiting! I feel like this pregnancy is going by so quickly. I'm already at 19 weeks! I've gotten some pregnancy-pics requests, and these aren't the greatest, but they come with a cute story... Eliana has been giving the baby hugs for a while now. She'll point to my stomach and say, with increasing excitement and volume, "Mommy, I like your baby. When she comes out, I'll give her a kiss. And then I'll have a FRIEND!!" She's practically screeching and jumping up and down by the time she gets to 'friend'. It's very cute. But yesterday she didn't want to wait to give the baby a kiss, so she lifted up my shirt and started kissing my belly. I had to grab the camera. :)


Melissa said...

That is so sweet! I love her excitement and I'm always amazed at how much she understands about what's going on! Great pics.

Childress Family said...

So sweet. Let us know when you find out!