Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's not often I get to try something new, but the other day a co-worker of mine brought me a bag of persimmons harvested from a tree in her backyard. She had to explain to me what they were! I've done a little research... Persimmons are an Asian fruit, not common to the United States and grow only in a few places on the east coast and California. They are a fall fruit, harvested October - December, and provide important nutrients like beta-carotene, Vitamin C and potassium. Orange colored when ripe, Fuyu persimmons can be eaten out of hand like an apple or pear, and there isn't any need to peel them. The California Grower's Association described them as crisp like an apple, sweet like a pear. You can let persimmons ripen until soft (fully orange) and use as a puree for baking or sauces, or make easy sorbet by just freezing and then peeling. Its flavor reminded me a bit of pumpkin - very fall tasting! - so adding nuts, raisins, brown sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, etc. when cooking would be a nice compliment.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Swimming in October!

We haven't gotten around to closing the pool yet, so today Eliana decided to take advantage. She had been playing outside and it was quite warm, so I figured, why not? She wanted me to swim with her, but there's just something not right about swimming in October.

Yeah, that's a leaf floating in the pool with her...